Meet NSW Young Consultant Tasha who is up to some awesome things. Tasha has shared some of her amazing journey and achievements with clubCREATE!
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am 19 years old and am current studying in my second year of a Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine). I currently also work as an orthodontic assistant (braces) and as a student ambassador for the Out-of-Home Care Widening Participation program at Western Sydney University. My care experience entailed 8 years in foster care, I was lucky enough to have only had one placement and was placed with both of my sisters. I enjoy playing sports and spending
time with my family. I am one of 11 children both biological and half siblings. More recently I have completed my training to become a CREATE Young Consultant which I enjoy, I get the opportunity to take part in out-of-home care initiatives and share my knowledge and experiences with children who are very much like myself.
What are your major achievements?
Being able to attend university has been a massive achievement for me as well as being able to move out from my placement and live independently with my older sister Micah. However most of all my biggest achievement this far has been being awarded the Sisters of Charity Foundation Tertiary Education Scholarship. I am most proud of the person I am today and all that I have been able to achieve both in my studies and my ability to engage in the community around me. I pride myself on how much my sisters and I have achieved thus far and hope to continue striving for greatness.
What would you say to other young people in care?
Without sounding as cliché as possible, I would say you are capable of anything you set your mind to. Growing up in a traditional Filipino household I was constantly reminded of how important education was and from my care experience I learnt that tenacity was the key.
What opportunities have you had since becoming involved with CREATE?
Being part of the CREATE community I have been given endless opportunities. I have participated in the Hear our Voice event, case worker training at Liverpool, various consultations, the Voices in Action Conference in Sydney and many other events where I have been able to communicate my thoughts and share my care experiences. The highlight of it all was being offered the job as a student ambassador having conducted my Young Consultant training and being able to work with young children who have the desire to succeed beyond the stereotypes which currently still exist on young people who have been placed in out-of-home care through no fault of their own. I hope that by contributing to the lives of young people I can help change this statistic and eliminate stigma that currently exists.
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