Design a better future for young people in care

End the silence. Speak up and Design a Better Future for kids in care


IMG_0816EditCREATE is calling for an end to the silencing of the most vulnerable members of our community – children and young people in care – through external monitoring of the system designed to protect them.

CREATE has been committed to enabling children and young people to have a voice, direct to those responsible for their care. Since 2009, CREATE’s independent consultations with those with a care experience have been a platform to have a voice and to inform positive change in the sector. This external data has revealed the key issues and where support is needed most.

Independent research has revealed that if you have a care experience you are more likely to be undereducated, unemployed, become a parent at a younger age, become homeless and be dependent on social assistance.


What You Can Do to Play a Part in Designing a Better Future for Kids in Care

CREATE calls for an end to the silencing of the most vulnerable members of our community – children and young people in care – through external monitoring of the system designed to protect them.

CREATE urges the community to end the silence and give voice to those in care. Speak up and call on the next Australian government to design a better future for the increasing numbers of our nation’s most vulnerable children and young people.

CREATE’s three main election priorities are:

  1. External monitoring and reporting of out-of-home care services, including establishing independent channels to advocate for children and young people in out-of-home-care.
  2. After-care support available to the age of 25, in every state and territory.
  3. Priority access to government services for children and young people with a care experience.

Calling for external monitoring and independent complaint mechanisms includes a call for commitment to implementing recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, due in 2017.

For more information, please read our full media release: Design a better future for young people in care


Join the national conversation on social media this election period, giving a voice to kids in care  #leavingcarecounts