Tasmanian Young Consultant Irish Blue Rae shares with CREATE why CREATE is important to her and the opportunities she’s had as a CREATE Young Consultant.
CREATE is important to me because I have been allowed a voice and I am heard! To me as I got older I started understanding that I wasn’t the only one in the same situation and this then made it easier on me. I decided to become a Young Consultant so I speak on behalf of other young people in out-of-home care and therefore improve the system for the future young ones.
Since being a CREATE Young Consultant I have become more independent and I learned to believe in myself. I found that when I could believe in myself then I really could achieve anything in my life. Since being a CREATE Young Consultant I have achieved so much and my proudest achievement in my life is living on my own for a year and a half successfully.
Don’t let anything stop you. I used to say I couldn’t do something every time I found something too hard but you just got to believe in yourself and you’re already half way there. You will change as a person and being the change and the difference is the best thing you can do.
Interested in becoming a Young Consultant? Come and do Speak Up training in your State or Territory and learn about the care system and develop advocacy, leadership and public speaking skills. Young Consultants use their stories and experiences to represent CREATE at local, state or national events and forums. Give us a call on 1800 655 105 to get involved!