Youth Advisory Groups

CREATE Foundation’s Youth Advisory Groups (YAGs) are a youth empowerment program that provide young people between 10 and 25 with an out-of-home care experience an opportunity to have their voices heard. YAG meetings provide the opportunity for young people – in care or who have left care – to talk about issues they are facing in the care system. It is the sharing of their experiences that informs CREATE’s advocacy and helps us to build our resources, programs and policy developments. Last year CREATE hosted over 100 Youth Advisory Groups nationally, with just over 800 young people participating across those sessions.

CREATE’s YAGs provide a forum for children and young people to share their opinions, experiences, and concerns. They are designed to be fun and informal group sessions, where young people get to talk about the issues that are affecting them and what changes they want to see in the care system.


What Young People said about YAGs

YAGs 2022-2023

Number of young people who attended a YAG in each state in 2022-2023:

YAGs Australia map

 Having fun at YAGs

How to get involved

CREATE runs YAGs regularly in each state and territory, and some sessions online to ensure young people in regional areas can also participate.

If you are a young person with a care experience aged 10 to 25 and you’re feeling inspired and would like the opportunity to raise your voice and engage with other young people we encourage you to reach out to our state teams and get involved in creating change. We can’t wait to see you there!

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